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Motivation is a tricky thing. It’s easy to get motivated when you’re in the right place and doing the right things. However, what about those days where it feels like nothing goes your way? Where do we go then? How do we find motivation again? What if there are situations that seem unreachable or out of our control — how can we stay motivated then? Let’s explore these questions and more!
Workplace motivation can be hard, but there are ways to get through it! First of all, when we’re feeling unmotivated in the office is because either our tasks feel too big and overwhelming or they don’t seem like they’ll be gone at any point in the near future. That’s why it’s important to break down tasks and focus on one thing at a time!
Motivation is a key element in succeeding and achieving success! In order to be successful, we need motivation behind our goals or else they might not happen! I like to think of it as “getting out what’s inside me” because when I’m feeling that motivation , I’m doing things that for me are hard. It’s not always easy to get out what we have inside us!
The feeling of motivation is a strange thing, isn’t it? Some people think they can feel motivated at any time…